Thursday, April 9, 2015

This is War

Three blog posts reveal the pattern. They are at war and there is no mistaking it for anything else.Firstly here is Radix's Charles Jansen quoting David Hume:

The [Tories] are commonly less assuming and dogmatical in conversation, more apt to make concessions; and tho' not, perhaps, more susceptible of conviction, yet more able to bear contradiction than the [Whigs]; who are apt to fly out upon any opposition, and to regard one as a mercenary designing fellow, if he argues with any coolness and impartiality, or makes any concessions to their adversaries.
David Hume noticed these differences 250 years ago. These differences persist to this day. Steve Sailer notices them as well.

A friend with a lot of experience in how the media works calls to note that his prediction last fall that the prestige press would just bury the Haven Monahan hoax with boring technical details is coming true. He says: They never admit a Loss; every narrative is either a Win or a Rainout. This one is becoming a tedious, indeterminate rainout.

Finally Vox Day perceives the same effect.

They will lie and and dissemble and exaggerate and spin with such shameless abandon that the average individual will find it almost impossible to believe they are doing so.

Vox seems to be under the impression that they all do this because of a character defect, but I think they are just immoral & know full well what effect they are having. Vox quotes Sun Tzu:

 War is a thing of pretence: therefore, when capable of action, we pretend disability; when near to the enemy, we pretend to be far; when far away, we pretend to be near. Allure the enemy by giving him a small advantage. Confuse and capture him. If there be defects, give an appearance of perfection, and awe the enemy. Pretend to be strong, and so cause the enemy to avoid you. Make him angry, and confuse his plans. Pretend to be inferior, and cause him to despise you. If he have superabundance of strength, tire him out; if united, make divisions in his camp. Attack weak points, and appear in unexpected places.

I think many know this damn well without ever having read Sun Tzu. The Left is obsessed with politics & they seek to achieve victory by any means at hand. In a more hierarchical system these strategies might open them to ridicule, but as respect for any sort of authority (religious, political, cultural) has eroded, thanks in no small part to demotic politics, they are more & more able to cheat, dissemble, & deflect. First the left destroyed the old battlefield & then they created a new one customized to their own needs. This war was decades old before Hume noticed it & it is only now entering its final phase. We would all be well advised to read & understand a little more Sun Tzu.

The Decline of the West

The joys of multicultural Britain:

Two builders attack a traffic warden, smashing him over the head with his radio in a dispute over a parking ticket.
Video footage captured on the phone of a passer-by shows the men punching and kicking the victim until he falls to the ground.
The 45-year-old victim, who has not been identified, managed to call for help from the police and London Ambulance Service after pressing a panic button on the machine.

The rule of law is beginning to fail in the west. I can't imagine this growing generation of malignant narcissists will tolerate being being bullied by a government for which they have no respect. The violence is spreading and will only get worse.

These people are inhabitants of these countries not citizens. To the immigrant the west is just a place to get money. Now whites are learning it is not their country anymore, therefore living by its rules now seems farcical.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Privileged Jewish Oikophobia

So this happened:

Is that overly harsh? Well, screw it. I can't help it right now, Grayson. I'm caught up in the moment. You may be a perfectly nice kid, but it's a reflexive thing at this point; I know it's cliché, but I still feel about Duke the same way I feel about watching dudes wearing Google Glass toast with shots of Fireball. There's something physically revolting about watching an otherwise brilliant Final Four – populated by a Wisconsin team that proved one of the most charismatic in the recent history of college basketball, and vanquished the mother of dragons we call Calipari – wind up with Duke winning it all. It felt like it violated every rule of fun that Bill Raftery has established over the years, in working toward finally broadcasting his first-ever national championship game (at one point, I swear he worked in a reference to dietitians). It felt like getting to the end of a 700-page novel only to find out that the murderer was the one you presumed it was from page 3.
 What can you do about these seething resentments held by the most privileged against a powerless minority.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Conservakins & Republicans

Well it's been a hell of a good time to be a reactionary lately as long as you can laugh instead of cry at the antics of the Consevakins & their nemeses in the Republican party. Remember when Mike Pence was seen as a conservative? Well he proved true to his type. If being a conservative means anything in modern America it means running in fear when the opposition becomes a little too mean. Let's hear the latest from our esteemed ally:

Indiana Republican leaders are set to announce a deal Thursday morning that alters Indiana's controversial "religious freedom" law to ensure it does not discriminate against gay and lesbian customers of Indiana businesses.
The proposal — which grants new protections for LGBT customers, employees and tenants — is set for a 9 a.m. rollout at the Statehouse and a 9:30 a.m. committee hearing. It closely mirrors a draft plan that was circulated early Wednesday morning and could potentially quell concerns that have made Indiana the focus of national derision for one very intense week.
Senate President Pro Tem David Long, R-Fort Wayne, and House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, spent 90 minutes meeting late Wednesday evening discussing the deal with top staff and Gov. Mike Pence's chief of staff, Jim Atterholt.
"We feel there is a strong consensus," Long said Wednesday night, following the meeting. "We feel good about it. We did a lot of hard work to bring the groups together to find the comfort level everyone feels does the job of truly saying this does not discriminate against anyone."
Atterholt, a former state lawmaker himself, did not say whether Pence would sign the compromise measure. As he walked from the meeting, Atterholt said that Pence still needed to review the plan.

Well, Mr. Pence has to review it. What a brave, brave man.

The fact that someone in a pizza shop in Walkerton Indiana doesn't approve of gay marriage is national story. The death threats by leftist are a totally sane reaction. 

Massive drought in California? Is the water from the Colorado river is being diverted to LA & San Diego instead of the central valley? Who cares? It's not like the vast majority of our country's fresh produce comes from California's central valley.

Iran's getting nukes? Is nuclear proliferation really such a big deal? I know let's call a Persian family in Tehran ask them what they think & if they don't agree with us we'll send them death threats.
The American middle class has had no income growth in 45 years. What can we do? I know, we'll talk about gay weddings so they'll be distracted while this country's elite hollow out the economy. There may be 50% unemployment among millenials, but at least they can sodomize whoever they want. Isn't that what America's really all about?