Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Heartland Theory of Neoreaction

The heartland theory of geopolitics was developed in the early 20th century by Halford John Mackinder. The Wikipedia article is a fairly accurate description of the theory,

Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; who rules the World-Island commands the world.
The neoreactionary theory could be put this way:

Who rules the Brahmins commands the narrative; who rules the narrative commands the culture; who rules the culture commands the country.  

The Scotch-Irish question

I'm not sure where neoreaction is heading. Is neoreaction a movement? Is it just a bunch of twitter fags bitching at each other? I see some, dare I say, progress recently. Any activity that goes beyond blogging, tweeting, & mental masturbation makes me happy. The Phalanx organization in Vancouver (& elsewhere) which is the nascent foundation of what could be at the least a return to the fine tradition of men's clubs killed off by the counter culture and feminism in the 60's & 70's. As a meliorist I find all this much to my liking it is the first sign of an apolitical cultural foundation for a movement whose raison d'etre is exit from the cultural sterility & political madness of progressivism.

While the small gang of earnest keyboard jockeys slowly transform into an actual cultural phenomenon any actual long term objectives must take into account human nature. As a reactionary I understand that there is not merely a single species wide nature, but there is also ethnic/racial natures to be dealt with as well. As an American of European ancestry the proverbial 500 pound gorilla in white America's destiny is how do we get the most ethnically conscious, politically conservative & martially puissant ethnic group in North America on board. What do we do to get the Scotch-Irish to join us.

The Scotch-Irish (or to be more politically correct the Ulster Scots) form the backbone of white America and they have one trait not mentioned above that makes them ill suited to a neoreactionary order. In plain language they hate being told what to do. Their social organization resembles more the bedouin tribes of Arabia than the orderly civic societies of the rest of America's white theden. Like the rest of the South they are well aware and very proud of their history on this continent and like all Southerners they hate to be bossed around, but the Scotch-Irish despise any infringements on their view of themselves as sovereign. Any attempt to create new polities in North America will have to understand that this ethnicity will not tolerate things like imposition of an established church/neo-paganism from a central authority nor will they respect aristocratic titles.

However any polity in what is now the US will inevitably have to deal with these proud and ultimately very conservative people. Any white nation without them will run the risk of becoming their prey. The rest of America's white population lacks the martial tradition of the Scotch-Irish and in the coming decades this attribute may be more than a little useful. The Scotch-Irish also dominate the regions most thoroughly populated by whites the south & the mountain west/eastern Cascadia having moved heavily into the latter regions in the aftermath of the Civil War.

Scotch-Irish conservatism, like all American conservatism, is corrupted by enlightenment ideas. While most Conservatives are Progressives minus10 to 20 years, the Scotch-Irish are Conservatives minus10 to 20 years. They relinquish old ideas more slowly and of all things this is a problem for the neoreactionaries. From the perspective of an ordinary staunchly nationalistic chauvanistic Scotch-Irish man these neoreactionary ideas are new and alien. They will not likely be early adopters unless something is done to bring them into the neoreactionary fold. If they are not brought into the fold any idea of a neoreactionary future for North America is doomed. It will be the Chris Kyles of America that will be kicking down our doors and putting us down if they come to believe we are the threat to their freedom instead of the progressives. The Scotch-Irish are wonderfully stubborn an excellent people to have on one's side during times of trouble. If the neoreaction is to have a future it must reach out to them otherwise they will be the (sacrificial) shock troops of the Cathedral.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Doomed City

Lo! Death hath rear'd himself a throne
In a strange city, all alone
Far down within the dim west-
And the good, and the bad, and the worst, and the best
Have gone to their eternal rest.

There shrines, and palaces, and towers
Are - not like anything of ours -
O! no - O! no - ours never loom
To heaven with that ungodly gloom!
Time-eaten towers that tremble not!
Around by lifting winds forgot,
Resignedly beneath the sky
The melancholy waters lie,

A heaven that God doth not contemn
With stars is like a diadem-
We liken our ladies' eyes to them-
But there! that everlasting pall!
It would be mockery to call
Such Dreariness a heaven at all.

Yet tho' no holy rays come down
On the long night-time of that town,
Light from the lurid, deep sea
Streams up turrets silently -
Up thrones - up long-forgotten bowers
Of sculptur'd ivy and stone flowers -
Up domes - up spires - up kingly halls -
Up fanes - up Babylon-like walls -
Up many a melancholy shrine
Whose entablatures intertwine
The mast - the viol - and the vine.

There open temples - open graves
Are on a level with the waves -
But not the riches there that lie
In each idol's diamond eye,
Not the gailly jewell'd dead
Tempt the waters from their bed;
For no ripples curl alas!
Along the wilderness of glass -
No swellings hint that winds may be
Upon a far off happier sea:
So blend the turrets and shadows there
That all seem pendulous in air,
While from high towers of the town
Death looks gigantically down.

But lo! A stir is in the air!
The wave! there is a ripple there!
As if the towers had thrown aside
In slightly sinking, the dull tide -
As if turret tops had given
A vacuum in the filmy heaven:
The waves have now a redder glow -
The very hours are breathing low -
And when, amid no earthly moans,
Down, down that town shall settle hence,
Hell rising from a thousand thrones
Shall do it reverence,
And death to some more happy clime
Shall give his undivided time.

Edgar Allan Poe

Peak Democracy continued

Communists elected in Greece after the insipid center right coalition waged a war on the Golden dawn leaving the only party on the right with any answers on the sidelines. They turned them into prisoners of conscience jailing their leadership turning ideology into thought crime. At Vdare an article by Dimitrios Papageorgiou sums up the whole sordid affair:

The governing New Democracy party spent a lot of its political capital in trying to parry the challenge from Golden Dawn, with which it was in competition for the Greek patriot vote. It failed, partly because (like the GOP in the US) it was clearly not really serious about stopping immigration. So, with Golden Dawn polling up to 10%, the government resorted in 2013 to the extraordinary measure of branding Golden Dawn a “criminal organization” and imprisoning its leadership.

 The government directly contacted members of the supposedly-impartial judiciary to ask for the imprisonment of Golden Dawn members. (One New Democracy official was subsequently forced to resign after being videotaped admitting this conspiracy—Greek far-right Golden Dawn topples PM aide amid police, April 3, 2014). Incredible in a supposed democracy, Golden Dawn leaders have had to fight this election from prison.The net effect of this: many disgruntled voters who would not vote for New Democracy because of its austerity policies did not vote for Golden Dawn but for SYRIZA. In fact, the movement of voters from New Democracy to SYRIZA is the biggest we have seen in recent political history—an estimated 12% of the conservative party’s voters moved to SYRIZA. From moderate conservatism to radical Leftism is a route that is hard to explain.
 This is what the left has planned for their political opponents. They will begin with social disapprobation they will end up using the repressive power of the state to imprison their ideological foes. It will arrive here soon enough.

Fear is good

From the Washington Post a story about a woman without fear. Mention is made in the story of people born without the ability to feel pain. To live without fear or pain seems like a super power, but instead fearlessness & painlessness are serious disabilities. Progressivism produces a similar effect: the vacation from history. If progressivism leaves the body politic anesthetized the neoreaction is an antidote the reawakens it to fear & pain. Progressivism, like an opiate, requires ever larger doses to maintain its effect and a body's dependency leads, ironically, to heightened sensitivity to painful stimuli.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

France gets tough

The gloves have come off in France after all the violence & evil committed by immigrant barbarians in their homeland they have decided to sue Fox News.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo told CNN Tuesday she intends to sue Fox News in the wake of the channel's coverage of supposed "no-go zones" for non-Muslims.

Hidalgo said the channel had "insulted" her city.
"When we're insulted, and when we've had an image, then I think we'll have to sue, I think we'll have to go to court, in order to have these words removed," Hidalgo told CNN's Christiane Amanpour. "The image of Paris has been prejudiced, and the honor of Paris has been prejudiced."
That'll teach 'em.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Stranger

The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk–
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.
The men of my own stock,
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wanted to,
They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy or sell.
The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control–
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.
The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.
This was my father’s belief
And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf–
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Noble Savages vs. Communists

Robert E Howard never believed in the noble savage he understood that primitive people do not conform to Rousseau's image of these hairless primates recently risen from primordial wilderness as somehow free and therefore righteous. Howard understood that barbarians were not nice, kind or gentle, but hard, polite & ferocious. The idea of the noble savage passed from Rousseau to Marx & his intellectual heirs. The idea altered to become the belief that more primitive means more benevolent. Howard saw through this to make the rather obvious point that primitive men were more polite because the chance of a rude man would get his skull split. Robert E Howard may not have been a great world historical thinker, but as a witness to human behavior he was clearly superior to Rousseau and his intellectual progeny. The country whose revolution was most influenced by Rousseau's thinking has received a lesson in the violent nature of barbarians.

Barbarians resort to violence as a last resort, but the distance from first to last is a shorter journey than it is for the civilized man. From the perspective of the savage he has born insults and provocations for an interminable period and these provocations must be revenged. Outraged by the contemptuous treatment the primitive man acts in the most rational way he knows. If one must maintain a multicultural society, one must also accommodate this new level of violence or alter the civilized culture to refrain from causing insult. This has become obvious to anyone with eyes, what is not obvious is the reason the left, in general, has chosen to accommodate the Muslims.

The Left's appeasement of Islam makes sense once you realize that all political differences are a matter of thede. The Left is a biological entity, a life form. Their ideology is an outgrowth of their genetics and their true enemy is the ancient foe: tradition. The left has decided that the old foe must be crushed at any cost. Leftism swings the hammer of Islam to crush the ancient foe. No provocation by the Muslims will ever cause the left to turn from their support for Islam. Even though the hammer of Islam constantly strikes leftists. When September 11th happened Michael Moore wondered why Muslims attacked blue New York and not a red state.The answer is obvious its because they were going after the people & institutions with real power and none of them are in red states. Muslims know where the real power lies and its not at Fox News or the Cato Institute. Charlie Hebdo served the real powers faithfully spending most of their energy kicking toothless entities like the Church & the FN. Charlie Hebdo never quite understood that their job was to flatter leftist into believing themselves to be brave, not to actually challenge dangerous foes.

Islam on the other hand has dealt with leftism before, communism especially, and they know what must be done.

Rational appeals to enlightened self interest will not work when it comes to leftists. However one must still point out that they are in for a very bad time at the hands of Islam. Throughout the 20th century communists and Muslims have come to blows. The communists have been on the losing end of these battles. How did the communists do in Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, etc. The left always finds itself facing a foe that is willing to carry out any atrocity to defeat it. On January 7th twelve people many of them self described communists were introduced to the noble savage's version of social justice. One would expect a re-evaluation on the part of leftist of their devotion to outdated notions equality, but that will not happen. Leftism is a congenital mental defect. Leftism is a terminal disease.

I should feel sorry for the writers & editors at Charlie Hebdo, but I do not. One-hundred million dead at the hands of communists and they want Christendom to protect their "rights" while undermining everyone else's. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. If France (& the West) had rejected leftism there would be no Islamic terror to worry about. Charlie Hebdo's ideology is responsible for their deaths. If leftists could learn from their mistakes I would say that this would be a lesson to them, but they will not learn and thousands of Charlie Hebdos will follow inevitably as long as the leftists remain in control of Western Civilization. Worst of all they seem bent on maintaining control just long enough to hand over the reins to Islam.