Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Scotch-Irish question

I'm not sure where neoreaction is heading. Is neoreaction a movement? Is it just a bunch of twitter fags bitching at each other? I see some, dare I say, progress recently. Any activity that goes beyond blogging, tweeting, & mental masturbation makes me happy. The Phalanx organization in Vancouver (& elsewhere) which is the nascent foundation of what could be at the least a return to the fine tradition of men's clubs killed off by the counter culture and feminism in the 60's & 70's. As a meliorist I find all this much to my liking it is the first sign of an apolitical cultural foundation for a movement whose raison d'etre is exit from the cultural sterility & political madness of progressivism.

While the small gang of earnest keyboard jockeys slowly transform into an actual cultural phenomenon any actual long term objectives must take into account human nature. As a reactionary I understand that there is not merely a single species wide nature, but there is also ethnic/racial natures to be dealt with as well. As an American of European ancestry the proverbial 500 pound gorilla in white America's destiny is how do we get the most ethnically conscious, politically conservative & martially puissant ethnic group in North America on board. What do we do to get the Scotch-Irish to join us.

The Scotch-Irish (or to be more politically correct the Ulster Scots) form the backbone of white America and they have one trait not mentioned above that makes them ill suited to a neoreactionary order. In plain language they hate being told what to do. Their social organization resembles more the bedouin tribes of Arabia than the orderly civic societies of the rest of America's white theden. Like the rest of the South they are well aware and very proud of their history on this continent and like all Southerners they hate to be bossed around, but the Scotch-Irish despise any infringements on their view of themselves as sovereign. Any attempt to create new polities in North America will have to understand that this ethnicity will not tolerate things like imposition of an established church/neo-paganism from a central authority nor will they respect aristocratic titles.

However any polity in what is now the US will inevitably have to deal with these proud and ultimately very conservative people. Any white nation without them will run the risk of becoming their prey. The rest of America's white population lacks the martial tradition of the Scotch-Irish and in the coming decades this attribute may be more than a little useful. The Scotch-Irish also dominate the regions most thoroughly populated by whites the south & the mountain west/eastern Cascadia having moved heavily into the latter regions in the aftermath of the Civil War.

Scotch-Irish conservatism, like all American conservatism, is corrupted by enlightenment ideas. While most Conservatives are Progressives minus10 to 20 years, the Scotch-Irish are Conservatives minus10 to 20 years. They relinquish old ideas more slowly and of all things this is a problem for the neoreactionaries. From the perspective of an ordinary staunchly nationalistic chauvanistic Scotch-Irish man these neoreactionary ideas are new and alien. They will not likely be early adopters unless something is done to bring them into the neoreactionary fold. If they are not brought into the fold any idea of a neoreactionary future for North America is doomed. It will be the Chris Kyles of America that will be kicking down our doors and putting us down if they come to believe we are the threat to their freedom instead of the progressives. The Scotch-Irish are wonderfully stubborn an excellent people to have on one's side during times of trouble. If the neoreaction is to have a future it must reach out to them otherwise they will be the (sacrificial) shock troops of the Cathedral.

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