Monday, January 12, 2015

Noble Savages vs. Communists

Robert E Howard never believed in the noble savage he understood that primitive people do not conform to Rousseau's image of these hairless primates recently risen from primordial wilderness as somehow free and therefore righteous. Howard understood that barbarians were not nice, kind or gentle, but hard, polite & ferocious. The idea of the noble savage passed from Rousseau to Marx & his intellectual heirs. The idea altered to become the belief that more primitive means more benevolent. Howard saw through this to make the rather obvious point that primitive men were more polite because the chance of a rude man would get his skull split. Robert E Howard may not have been a great world historical thinker, but as a witness to human behavior he was clearly superior to Rousseau and his intellectual progeny. The country whose revolution was most influenced by Rousseau's thinking has received a lesson in the violent nature of barbarians.

Barbarians resort to violence as a last resort, but the distance from first to last is a shorter journey than it is for the civilized man. From the perspective of the savage he has born insults and provocations for an interminable period and these provocations must be revenged. Outraged by the contemptuous treatment the primitive man acts in the most rational way he knows. If one must maintain a multicultural society, one must also accommodate this new level of violence or alter the civilized culture to refrain from causing insult. This has become obvious to anyone with eyes, what is not obvious is the reason the left, in general, has chosen to accommodate the Muslims.

The Left's appeasement of Islam makes sense once you realize that all political differences are a matter of thede. The Left is a biological entity, a life form. Their ideology is an outgrowth of their genetics and their true enemy is the ancient foe: tradition. The left has decided that the old foe must be crushed at any cost. Leftism swings the hammer of Islam to crush the ancient foe. No provocation by the Muslims will ever cause the left to turn from their support for Islam. Even though the hammer of Islam constantly strikes leftists. When September 11th happened Michael Moore wondered why Muslims attacked blue New York and not a red state.The answer is obvious its because they were going after the people & institutions with real power and none of them are in red states. Muslims know where the real power lies and its not at Fox News or the Cato Institute. Charlie Hebdo served the real powers faithfully spending most of their energy kicking toothless entities like the Church & the FN. Charlie Hebdo never quite understood that their job was to flatter leftist into believing themselves to be brave, not to actually challenge dangerous foes.

Islam on the other hand has dealt with leftism before, communism especially, and they know what must be done.

Rational appeals to enlightened self interest will not work when it comes to leftists. However one must still point out that they are in for a very bad time at the hands of Islam. Throughout the 20th century communists and Muslims have come to blows. The communists have been on the losing end of these battles. How did the communists do in Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, etc. The left always finds itself facing a foe that is willing to carry out any atrocity to defeat it. On January 7th twelve people many of them self described communists were introduced to the noble savage's version of social justice. One would expect a re-evaluation on the part of leftist of their devotion to outdated notions equality, but that will not happen. Leftism is a congenital mental defect. Leftism is a terminal disease.

I should feel sorry for the writers & editors at Charlie Hebdo, but I do not. One-hundred million dead at the hands of communists and they want Christendom to protect their "rights" while undermining everyone else's. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. If France (& the West) had rejected leftism there would be no Islamic terror to worry about. Charlie Hebdo's ideology is responsible for their deaths. If leftists could learn from their mistakes I would say that this would be a lesson to them, but they will not learn and thousands of Charlie Hebdos will follow inevitably as long as the leftists remain in control of Western Civilization. Worst of all they seem bent on maintaining control just long enough to hand over the reins to Islam.

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