I cannot summarize the evil being done here, but a new report by John Hawkins at
Right Wing News (read it all) shows the gullibility & ignorance of the American conservative movement. The money siphoned off by crooks & liars leaves one amazed at the dishonesty of it all. The main point however is not that the people are so ignorant, but that the entire electioneering process is a giant scam.
Even if the money raised went 100% to candidates what real power do they have? Elected officials, in Washington especially, are not at the controls. The true power of the US government is the unelected and entrenched Federal bureaucracy, they have all the power. Any ambition that libertarians or Tea Partiers have of reigning in this Leviathan is rendered a fantasy until the Federal bureaucracy's power is diminished. What the Hell are conservatives fighting for? To put people into office who will be sure to refuse to seal the southern border against further invasion?
The conservatives have conserved nothing. The libertarian movement is less than useless. Why continue with this farce the left may have been able to be stopped in 1932 or 1936, but our ancestors put them in charge permanently when the New Deal took the levers of power away from elected representatives permanently. No one outside the US Government has a vote that counts. Let us kill the farcical illusion that our "Rights" have any meaning. Conservatives who continue to support the system in any way are culpable for their own persecution. It is the continued participation in our fraudulent electoral system that grants cover to the technocracy. So long as their is a token, easily defeated opposition the pretense can continue that we are a nation of laws, that the constitution of the US still binds us together, and that we, as individuals, are still sovereign.
Accept it now, every soldier who dies, dies defending a lie. Every vote cast is an affirmation of tyranny. Every dollar sent to a PAC is confirmation of one's complicity in the crimes committed by these frauds. Every dollar paid in taxes murders another freedom. The Conservative movement, lead by traitors has betrayed the American people.
This is what is in store for us all thanks to libertarians, liberals, conservatives, neo-cons, classical liberals, anarcho-capitalists and the rest of the soft progressives:
a rising tide of barbarism.
In a small town two miles away, the thefts now sound like something out of Edward Gibbon’s bleaker chapters — or maybe George Miller’s Road Warrior, or the Hughes brothers’ more recent The Book of Eli. Hundreds of bronze commemorative plaques were ripped off my town’s public buildings (and with them all record of our ancestors’ public-spiritedness). I guess that is our version of Trotskyization.
The Catholic church was just looted (again) of its bronze and silver icons. Manhole covers are missing (some of the town’s own maintenance staff were arrested for this theft, no less!). The Little League clubhouse was ransacked of its equipment.
In short, all the stuff of civilization — municipal buildings, education, religion, transportation, recreation — seems under assault in the last year by the contemporary forces of barbarism.
This is what the conservative movement has brought hours of outrage on your radio & nothing to show for it. Nothing except degradation, humiliation & decay.
I know it is popular to suggest that as we reach our sixties, everything seems “worse,” and, like Horace’s laudatores temporis acti, we damn the present in comparison to the past. Sorry, it just isn’t so. In 1961, 1971, and 1981, city street lights were not systematically de-wired. And the fact that plaques and bells of a century’s pedigree were just now looted attests that they all survived the Great Depression, the punks of the 1950s, and the crime-ridden 1970s.A couple now in their early 90s lives about three miles away from me on their small farm. I have known them for 50 years; he went to high school with my mother, and she was my Cub Scout leader. They now live alone and have recently been robbed nine, yes, nine, times. He told me he is thinking of putting a sign out at the entrance to his driveway: “Go away! Nothing left! You’ve already taken everything we have.” Would their robbers appreciate someone else doing that to their own grandparents? Do the vandals have locks on their own doors against other vandals?
There is indeed something of the Dark Ages about all this. In the vast rural expanse between the Sierras and the Coast Ranges, and from Sacramento to Bakersfield, our rural homes are like stray sheep outside the herd, without whatever protection is offered by the density of a town. When we leave for a trip or just go into town, the predators swarm.
Last summer several cars drove into my driveway, the surprised occupants ready with all sorts of innocent-sounding inquiries: “We just are looking for a rental.” “Do you have scrap for sale?” “We’re having car trouble.” And so on.
All this serves as a sort of red/green traffic light: If someone comes out from the house, the driver poses the question and then abruptly leaves; but if no one appears, he strikes quickly.
The millions sent to PAC's would have been better served hiring strippers and doing blow. Look at the top of this list.
Even the PAC's that are at the top of this list are worthless. What kind of politicians are they giving money to? The kind who will do nothing to stop America from being colonized. Here's the Club for Growth's mission:
Some of the Club’s top policy goals include:
- Reducing income tax rates and repealing the death tax
- Replacing the current tax code with a fair/flat tax
- The full repeal of ObamaCare and the end of abusive lawsuits through medical malpractice/tort reform
- Reducing the size and scope of the federal government
- Cutting government spending and passing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution
- Regulatory reform and deregulation
No mention of any kind about the national issue, not even token mention of the shibboleth of illegal immigration just stereotypical Wall Street boiler plate.This is the conservative movement charlatans, liars, cretins, & traitors.