Thursday, February 26, 2015

Reading Deogolwulf brings me down.

When I read Moldbug I want to post quotes from him on facebook, but when I read Deogolwulf I want to just copy & paste his entries on here and pretend that his words are mine. So I'll do the next best thing & post quotes & links that I find insightful or wise. I'll just sit back and bask in the reflected light & pretend I was just about to say the same thing.

Here are a few epigrams:

The Marcher-Lords of Mediocrity. — Mediocrity bestows the title of excellence upon those who secure its far-flung borders.
Why shouldn’t novels have in them badly-drawn caricatures of real persons? The world is full of them.In the fostering of culture and the forming of good taste and character, liberal democratism has been so great a failure that it is believed by most to have been a great success.Religion is the rule-governed search for that which one lacks. Reason, therefore, stands as the religion of the moderns.Sub Specie Modernitatis. — All that which our forebears thought to note as degeneracy: well, they must have been mistaken, for it led to us

This one is a particular favorite of mine:

 Whenever men of the West gather to ask why it has fallen, one is sure to get another glimpse of the answer.
Here's a taste of his logic:

 I. If you vote in an election, then you must endorse the legitimacy of the process including its result, or else be guilty of bad faith. (You agree in participation of the process to be bound by the rules thereof, which include the acceptance of the legitimacy of the result.) II. You voted in the election. Therefore,
III. You must endorse the legitimacy of the result, or else be guilty of bad faith. But (you complain):
IV. The result is a disaster. Therefore,
V. You must endorse the legitimacy of a disaster about which you complain, or else be guilty of bad faith.

Hero sees his demise approach and he takes one last moment to display his contempt for death and says: "Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen lytlaþ"

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