Thursday, February 12, 2015

At some point things might get so bad even conservatives will do something.

Won't someone think of the children.

From Newsweek (it's still a thing apparently) Female Genital Mutilation is on the rise here in the good ole USA. Diversity is our strength after all.

Changing deep-seated cultural customs and behaviors will be tough where pressure from society and family members to continue tradition is intense. Without being circumcised, many parents believe their daughter won’t be a good wife and, more importantly, a good person.

America's deep-seated customs are hard to change. Americans should be ashamed for creating a society that embraces these sorts of horrifying acts. While we're at it how about we outlaw & arrest doctors for other forms of genital mutilation, such as the mutilation of the mentally ill by unscrupulous doctors.

Multiculturalism enriching America one parking lot at a time

From AP the wife of the Atheism+ Killer Craig Hicks apologizes for the triple homicide & said she believed the shooting "had nothing to do with religion...but was in fact related to the long-standing parking disputes." It's a amazing we live in country where one is free to hate Christianity for all sorts of reasons. One hopes the Muslims & the Anti-theists will learn to get along & target the real enemy the hetero-fascist white male oppressor.

There is this reassuring quote from family attorney Rob Maitland said that the shootings stemmed from "the mundane issue of this man being frustrated day in and day out with not being able to park where he wanted to park. And these victims were at the wrong time and the wrong place."

Lucky for us it isn't about  cultural, ethnic & religious differences or else someone might think that opening the flood gates of immigration might just possibly have, in an indirect & attenuated way, a minor & not too noticeable, catastrophic effect on American society.

“Unfortunately these victims were there at the wrong time at the wrong place," Maitland said. So what does that make Craig Hicks? Johnny on the spot?

Just a reminder:

This is who your countrymen voted for twice.

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