Saturday, November 22, 2014

America's time is up.

Gregory Hood wrote an article that hits home in a way that I’ve tried to express on my blog. He strikes the perfect tone in this article the way I feel & the way I think writing:

            This takes the form of a curious doublethink. If a right-minded friend wears an upside down American flag or even burns the federal banner, I’ll approve it as a form of outraged protest and response to betrayal. If I see pro-immigration protesters burning the flag and cursing out the United States, I’m probably getting in a fight and going to try to save that bit of cloth. I fully recognize the absurdity of this. It changes nothing.

            This is my dilemma as well. The very real feeling of pride in my fellow countrymen, for the men who even now die in foreign lands at the behest of a Ruling Class that despises them & oppresses them cannot be dismissed. I must face facts that this country has betrayed these people in the name of lunatic utopian ideology. Citizen or foreigner Who cares? This government owes nothing to the people who built this country. If the people of this land will not do as they are told then the Ruling Class will elect a new one. As Gregory Hood further points out:

            If European-Americans can’t break away from this totemic fixation on the United States, they will not long survive. White Survival on this continent depends upon the historic American nation recognizing that it is a European population and but a branch of a greater Western family. The pathetic fear of American conservatives that “we will end up like a European nation” and must remain a New Jerusalem is what has led us to this point.

I do not see my fellow Americans waking up. They are in denial, especially the conservatives, about the nature of Latin American colonization. The future of the American government is not in doubt. It is the future of the American nation that is.

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