Friday, November 14, 2014

Book Burners angry at scientist

The waffen SJW's mange to create outrage constantly , because they have no end game. They require outrage therefore they cannot leave well enough alone. For these book burners there is no well enough. Even a scientific mission to land a probe on a comet is merely a new opportunity to preen for each other. Some morons decided to shit  themselves because a man who actually does useful things wore clothing they don't like. Nothing could more clearly reveal that the book burners are incapable of serious thought. Their ideology requires the absence of self knowledge or else they could not continue their constant agitation for pointless division. 

This incident shows us that women in general have no place in STEM if they cannot take seeing a shirt with pretty girls on it. One can only draw a single conclusion from SJW agitation that scientific, economic, & technological progress are impossible utterly at odds with social/political progress. The book burners may at last break the insane hold of Progressivism on the actual instruments of progress. The instruments of progress being the minds of creative & skilled men. Social progress can now be shown not merely to be unconnected to technological innovation, but absolutely anathema to it.

What the European Space Agency achieved owes nothing to Progressivism instead it stands as a refutation of all that the book burners hold dear. The perennial worries of the agitator class are of no consequence they are puerile faddish inanities. They are the concerns of the perpetually willfully ignorant. To stand up to the book burners is to stand with science. The book burners cast their uncomprehending gaze upon the works of Men and rage. They are apes.    

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