Monday, November 17, 2014

Tribe Blue vs. Tribe Red

A friend on of mine on facebook trots out the favorite phrase of libertarians & libertarian conservatives that phrase is: "the law of unintended consequences." I responded rather pointedly that in this instance the phrase was not correct.

What was the conversation about? Immigration, or as most right thinking conservatives put it; illegal immigration & the minimum wage.

This is how my friend started:

Law of unintended consequences:
2 big things being pushed right now are amnesty for illegals and raising the minimum wage. What happens when these things collide? If amnesty gets passed, there will be around 7 million new people added to the workforce. If the minimum wage gets passed, it will cost at least $10.10/hr (more in some cities) to hire new employees. Considering that many illegal immigrants lack higher job skills, a decent education, and functional English... what is the likelihood that employers will hire them over workers with skills and education - especially when the cost of hiring goes up?
End result: many of these newly-legal workers will remain unemployed and have to rely on government assistance. When you expand the supply of unskilled/low-skilled labor AND raise the price of labor, you effectively make it too expensive for employers to hire those at the bottom of the labor pool. This is what happens when politicians (both D and R) don't understand basic economic concepts.
(Please save your accusations of racism/bigotry. I'm not bashing illegal immigrants, just looking at the facts and seeing where they will lead.)

My friend is lost in the mire of progressive politics more fearful of being called racist than being honest with himself. What he says is perfectly true if one increases the cost of labor one decreases employment. He is also right about the illegals being unskilled one type of worker of which this country has far too many. This will inevitably lead to increased welfare rolls. My problem is two fold with what my friend says. First it is not in any way an unintended consequence. second one cannot argue against left/liberal/progressive ideas & expect to win against the them, because they are not moved by ideas, but by something more primal. They are moved by loyalty to their thede & animosity to the opposing thede.

Until one understands the true motives of the Blue Tribe & the Red Tribe one cannot make sense of the state of American culture & its tributary American Politics.

“To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.” 
― Charles KrauthammerThings That Matter: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes, and Politics

Mr. Krauthammer's quote gets to the heart of the inability of Red Tribe members to understand what is actually going on & why persisting in arguing with Blue Tribe members gets you nowhere. The Blue Tribe is a thede it is a nation unto itself its actions make perfectly logical sense once you understand this. Their ideological stands are there to differentiate themselves from the rapacious Red Tribe scum. Their objective is the defeat of the Red Tribe at any cost. The Red Tribe is their mortal enemy & through both politics & culture they ceaselessly war against their thede's chief enemy. Blue Tribe sees no reason for restraint and they will accept any ally in their war against Red Tribe. Why? because evil cannot be allowed to be victorious. 

From the perspective of Mr. Krauthammer one can see the problem he thinks Red Tribe does not believe Blue Tribe to be evil. This I can only surmise is Mr. Krauthammer's  own experience as a former speechwriter for Walter Mondale & as a current talking head on Fox News he has seen "both" sides from within. However this is an illusion he is still a member of Blue Tribe, they are still his thede & he has little if any connection to Red Tribe. He still holds to the true religion of Blue Tribe: Progressivism. The arguments between Blue & Red have been hijacked by an argument between Low Church Blues & High Church Blues. Being a member of Blue Tribe is no hindrance to ascending to the leadership of Red Tribe, in fact as in all things in American culture being a member of Blue Tribe is absolutely a boon.

Who are these tribes? Where do they come from? Perhaps a map might be informative, a map of American nations click on the link to see it. This country was formed by a series of nations it is the reason the founders decentralized the power granting the primary power to the states. However this was doomed to be short lived. 

The above map reveals that there are 11 seperate nations making up North America despite the map's implications it is obvious that all 11 nations are present in the United States (First Nation being Amerindians), but these 11 nations have joined into two main coalitions the Red coalition: Deep South, Greater Appalachia & the Far West vs. the Blue coalition: all the others plus blacks led by Yankeedom's Brahmans. These two ethnic/regional coalitions have taken control of the two main parties Republicans are Red Tribe & Democrats are Blue Tribe. Yet that's not quite right Red Tribe is the rank & file, but the Red Party & Red Tribe Punditry is dominated by Midlanders & a group of dissident Yankees. 

Look at the people considered the voices and opinion leaders of the conservative movement. They are, like Mr. Krauthammer almost all members of the Blue Tribe. How many major talking heads come from the Red thede? One has great difficulty trying to name a single member of the Punditry that is a Scotch-Irish or Southerner. Limbaugh is a Midlander. Beck is from a left coast Democrat (as he will tell you) family. Mark Levin is an east coast Jew who joined & co-opted (or were co-opted by) the Brahmans in the middle of the last century. Sean Hannity is the closest to being a true Red Tribe member due to his white working class upbringing, but he's a northeast Irish Catholic not a member of the Red thede. The list goes on Ingraham, Krauthammer, Linda Chavez, Goldberg, Rich Lowry, Brit Hume, et. al. The leaders of the GOP such as Bush, Boehner & Ryan are either members of other theden like Midlanders or like Ted Cruz the graduates of Blue Tribal indoctrination centers like Harvard or Yale.

They all want to be liked or at least respected by their Blue Tribal institutions (i.e.major media, academia, arts & entertainment). This is why they constantly draw lines in the sand & say "this far & no farther" until the line is crossed then they draw a new line that they abandon when the Blue Tribe walks across it. The Blue Tribe does not care what the forces of evil think. Blue Tribe holds all of Red Tribe in contempt. They also force the rest of the Red Tribe to respect & defend today the very ideas that Red Tribe was at war with yesterday. Red Punditry especially lies to itself. They deny the actual interests of the Red Tribe while purging from their ranks anyone who dares deviate from established dogma. Taki, Joe Sobran, John Derbyshire, Mark Steyn, Steve Sailor all defenestrated by polite punditry. All purged for holding opinions that were mainstream just a decade or two earlier some for holding opinions that were mainstream just a year or two earlier. 

Notice that the reverse never happens. Embracing genocidal ideologies or genocidal figures will not get pundits on the left kicked out of punditry. They do police their own for violations of orthodoxy, but they only expel for Right deviation. That is how the Right obtains its pundit class. They receive their cast offs and to make room for them the Red Tribe anathematizes those who cannot get with the new Orthodoxy.

Look at this article at iSteve showing where the political money goes from each industry. To quote Steve Sailor:
So, the four businesses that serve as the Engineers of Human Souls — entertainment, academia, Google-type tech, and the print media — are each significantly more liberal than any industries are conservative, even mining and agriculture (and the gypsum and sorghum industries aren’t exactly leaders of fashion).

They give ground because they do not want to be hated. Yet they are hated with an unconquerable vehemence that will not go away unless they pull a David Brock and embrace Blue Tribe hatred and lead little auto-da-fe's against the Red Menace. They do not want common ground between the two tribes they want distance. They need to feel the frisson of being the moral & intellectual superiors to the Red Tribe. If the Red Tribe embraces something it will be abandoned by the Blue Tribe. The Blue Tribe calls for ethnic & racial  diversity the Red Tribe embraces blacks, hispanics, & women who are then savaged and rejected by the Blue Tribe as inauthentic. Red Tribe is evil therefore all evil is Red Tribe.

 How does one know if a thing is evil? The answer is easy.

 Is this thing embraced by Red Tribe? If the answer is yes then it is evil.

How does one know if an idea is embraced by the Red Tribe? The answer is easy.

Is the idea evil? If the answer is yes then it must be an idea the Red Tribe embraces even if it is embraced in secret.

It is about time to end our ethnomasochism. Embracing figures brought up outside of the Red thede will not make us any more palatable to the Blue Tribe. We must separate from each other. The Blue tribe is implacable they must always increase the distance from the Red Tribe. Their repulsion is genuine it is genetic.  

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