Friday, October 31, 2014

Women give men permission to think for ourselves.

Not actually a criticism of Karen Straughan she's sensible and she is not the problem, but she is not the solution either. The fact that there are rational women who see feminism for what it is is not shocking, but the fact that the most vocal & visible MRA's are women is the greatest problem. Men should be speaking out for themselves not relying on Helen Smith and other women to hopefully blunt criticisms against them from indoctrinated women & their beta male white knights.

Roosh discussed this here I am not an MRA in that I don't believe in equality at all. Everything Karen Straughan says is true, but a Men's movement must be fronted by men and I think its focus on equality makes it impossible for them to  be exclusionary something Game/PUA's and the Dark Enlightenment in general has no problem with. No movement that is so at its core egalitarian will ever be able to resist the creeping insidious infiltration of Progressivism.

Propaganda works because people use theory to explain the world.

Razib Khan wrote a fascinating post about the very high rate of educational & financial success called Asians are a model minority on average. The article informs us of a very well educated & successful Asian American woman's attempt to dispel this "myth" by undermining her own argument. This is classic propagandist behavior, because the propaganda is aimed at signaling inclusion in a select group more than at convincing outsiders of the correctness of the writer's cause. This use of propaganda is about settling the nerves of the true believer not conversion of others.

Near the end he makes a straight forward observation:
This tells us that the propaganda is working, though that’s not a surprise as most people are stupid and uninformed, and use theory to explain the world.
 Mr. Khan is completely correct and for the life of me I can't see how it could be otherwise. How can humans become more informed than they are now. The internet provides so much information, yet people still know next to nothing. It seems to me that one could say the same about all humans even those with very high IQ's who specialize in certain fields rarely make a statement without numerous qualifiers. It seems people use theory to explain life because being informed about everything is impossible.

I find myself feeling quite humble the Dunning Kruger effect is always on my mind.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

#gamergate fighting against the Waffen SJW's or I wish Christians loved their faith enough to defend it as much as gamers defend games

I am a self described Gamer mostly P&P RPG's, CRPG's, RTS's & boardgames, but I admit I should do less gaming & more of, well, anything constructive. However the Waffen SJW's can leave nothing alone (today Gawker tomorrow the world) and I believe Atheism+ (see here) was their Advance on Moscow. I'm hoping gamergate will be their Stalingrad. I hate twitter, but I hate the Waffen SJW's more and they have my support, but I'm more interested in the visible shock this hash-tag movement created here on the Right. The sheer bloody minded defense of their cherished hobby I think makes the Right envious & a little ashamed.

Imagine if the Churchians had defended marriage with half this much vigor or if conservatives had defended (actually I can't think of anything conservatives have defended) the Historic American Nation with half as much tenacity our country wouldn't be in the midst of its long slow decline. Maybe after my fellow Omegas, neckbeards, dweebs, & dudebros show that the Waffen SJW's are a hollow legion then Conservatism inc. will climb out of their foxholes and actually do some fighting.Then again who wants Rich Lowry to have their back at least a braindead dudebro knows enough not to shoot his own teammates in the back just because they're scared.

The Soviet Story

This film is a corrective to the sad neglect of the crimes of progressives. I wish more people knew & understood the reality. The only place all men are equal is in the grave so that's where they'll put us.

A picture worth 1000 words.

A friendly discussion with a more libertarian friend

A friend on FB made a cogent argument about freedom that I find wrong:

"Okay, I'll bite. The problem I have with authoritanism is the same problem I have with progressivism, conservatism, democracy, etc. They all presuppose that one person can better decide for another person what is best for them. In some cases, as with a parent and a child, this might work. But, in the grand scheme of life, no one is more qualified than the individual to determine what is best for themselves. Any proponent of any form of authoritarianism can cite the benefits of what they're proposing, but in every case there will be some who suffer."
 I disagree thus:

How high must a person's IQ be to actually know what is best for himself? Serious question do you know the answer? Let's say the median IQ for a nation is 85 what percentage of those people are ready for self rule? How many can meet the daily struggle of the modern world & succeed? How many should vote? I don't know the answer. The whole world is not the faculty lounge at Andover, nor is it Mayberry NC. Most of it is a bad year away from being Somalia. The Somalis in Somalia could use a Pinochet more than an Ayn Rand. Am I wrong? Iraq could use a Mubarak more than a Thomas Paine. Hobbes is right when he calls this the "war of all against all." What use is freedom to a cannibal? What use is it to a person with an IQ of 68? or 88? It took 500+ years of forced(by the Church) eugenic outbreeding & massive rates of execution of violent men for Europe to achieve the very beginnings of a civil society. Freedom can only be earned (perhaps only briefly) by a vast expenditure of Social capital its maintenance is even more difficult. Freedom is not good in & of itself. Washington knew this Paine & Rand didn't.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Progressives hate the poor.

Steve Sailor's new article about the joys of our new Progressive utopia. This may actually be the first convincingly pro-progressive article I've ever read. No wonder these millionaire self righteous prog honkies are so mindlessly progressive, it doesn't however explain why anyone whose not a member of the ruling plutocratic clique would fall for this pointless hokum.

Of course there is an obvious counter theory. Maybe blacks find Progressives as annoying as everyone else does.

Conspiracy theories are fun

The latest from Steve Sailor is about the bizarre circumstances of Obama's birth & life and makes fascinating reading. Many conspiracy theorists have made this connection on good ol' youtube. I find any covert conspiracy hard to fathom, but I'm a classic Anglo-American and it is not the way of our race to believe in such things. However outside the Anglosphere such thinking is rampant. I would go so far as to say it seems to be rather ordinary and uncontroversial. The Islamic world reads Mein Kampf & The Protocols of the Elders of Zion widely. Its theories about Jews are seen as common sense. The Anglosphere treats these things as insane & unthinkable. One group is clearly moronic deluded rubes. I used to think I knew.

What is Progressivism, but a series of conspiracies carried out by the Ruling Class to guide the poor unfortunates into the eternal green pastures of the future (whether they want it or not). If you would have told me just 15 years ago that there would be a meeting of trannies in the military I would have called you insane, but I would have been wrong. If I had been told just 7 years earlier that homosexuals would be openly allowed into the US military I would have called you insane too. How did we get here? Clearly not by a conspiracy because that would be insane.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The loneliness of the long distance runner

Being an irredeemable member of the Dark Enlightenment is a lonely course. The sudden realization that one abandons all polite society when one abandons the comfy confines of Con inc. and is now without the last of his illusions. Afraid the day will come when one must explain himself and the looks of horror and disgust when one must tell polite company that he no longer believes voting for a flat tax will do any good at all.

To explain to others that you want to cull the voter rolls to the point that the country ceases to be a democracy (that holy political principle that somehow manages to be despised by every other ideology, but only openly by reactionaries). Conservatives are as bad as any RINO in that they conserve progressivism. They only wish to conserve a form of progressivism that conservatives gave up fighting against only 20 years earlier. Conservatives have no fixed ideas they drift with the current tugged along as Cthulhu swims ever left. I am no conservative then. I do not believe in equality, social justice, the power of government, but I also do not believe that all people yearn to breathe free. I do not believe in a melting pot or any other progressive hokum about being a nation of immigrants. MLK never did anything worthy of admiration and the civil rights movement achieved what it achieved through violent means.

Three hundred and twenty six years of progress and one, if he is honest, knows in his soul that it has been primarily error. Progressives know it, conservatives know it yet only lonely voices dare say it aloud.

No enemies on the (New) Right

I propose a grand alliance against the knuckle dragging Morlocks of the anarcho-tyranny. Since I am a virtual non-entity on the web & in the real world I have decided to call a personal cease fire by not joining in the standard circular firing squad that causes constant splintering & back biting. I refuse to criticize anyone on the Right. No members of the Dark Enlightenment will be attacked even if I disagree with them. I will not make jabs at Ethno-nationalists or Race Realists. Paleo-conservatives and Neo-reactionaries man the same barricades against the Kulturkampf of the Waffen SJW’s. I also admire and respect the more rational and open minded libertarians and the best elements of the PUA and MRA cultures. I declare that I have no enemies on the Right and will henceforth allow the Jacobins the joys of their own auto-da-fe and purges and politely bow out of ours.

The Eloi of Plainlandia vs. the Morlocks of Georgetownistan part 1

The price this society will pay for the general breakdown of sanity in our ruling class will be immense. Unfortunately the New Class of technocratic Morlocks, lead by champions of hyper conformity such as Cass Sunstein, are unaware of their obvious incapacity to make useful decisions. They are mired in cant and jargon they use words as if they were weapons instead of a medium for transmitting ideas and emotions. The technocratic elite have failed again and again, however they continue to comfort themselves with nostrums and shibboleths that extricate them from responsibility for their obvious failures. The New Class lose themselves in theory that comforts them and coddles them keeping them from confronting the true nature of their failures. Their faith in the mystical use of words to shield them from reality and its consequences is the means they use to keep their blinkered gaze tightly focused on the proposed path to a glorious future, where unrestrained by the quaint and pointless customs of the Eloi of fly over country (like the rule of law) they can guide Humanity from triumph to triumph. Unfortunately they are Morlocks and do not have self awareness normal humans do and they do not see that unrestrained pillage by their fellow Morlocks will eradicate the Eloi from existence and destroy themselves by starvation. The New Class Morlocks do not understand they are the parasites feeding off a once healthy body and that their infestation continues to undermine the health of this body.