Thursday, October 30, 2014

#gamergate fighting against the Waffen SJW's or I wish Christians loved their faith enough to defend it as much as gamers defend games

I am a self described Gamer mostly P&P RPG's, CRPG's, RTS's & boardgames, but I admit I should do less gaming & more of, well, anything constructive. However the Waffen SJW's can leave nothing alone (today Gawker tomorrow the world) and I believe Atheism+ (see here) was their Advance on Moscow. I'm hoping gamergate will be their Stalingrad. I hate twitter, but I hate the Waffen SJW's more and they have my support, but I'm more interested in the visible shock this hash-tag movement created here on the Right. The sheer bloody minded defense of their cherished hobby I think makes the Right envious & a little ashamed.

Imagine if the Churchians had defended marriage with half this much vigor or if conservatives had defended (actually I can't think of anything conservatives have defended) the Historic American Nation with half as much tenacity our country wouldn't be in the midst of its long slow decline. Maybe after my fellow Omegas, neckbeards, dweebs, & dudebros show that the Waffen SJW's are a hollow legion then Conservatism inc. will climb out of their foxholes and actually do some fighting.Then again who wants Rich Lowry to have their back at least a braindead dudebro knows enough not to shoot his own teammates in the back just because they're scared.

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