Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The loneliness of the long distance runner

Being an irredeemable member of the Dark Enlightenment is a lonely course. The sudden realization that one abandons all polite society when one abandons the comfy confines of Con inc. and is now without the last of his illusions. Afraid the day will come when one must explain himself and the looks of horror and disgust when one must tell polite company that he no longer believes voting for a flat tax will do any good at all.

To explain to others that you want to cull the voter rolls to the point that the country ceases to be a democracy (that holy political principle that somehow manages to be despised by every other ideology, but only openly by reactionaries). Conservatives are as bad as any RINO in that they conserve progressivism. They only wish to conserve a form of progressivism that conservatives gave up fighting against only 20 years earlier. Conservatives have no fixed ideas they drift with the current tugged along as Cthulhu swims ever left. I am no conservative then. I do not believe in equality, social justice, the power of government, but I also do not believe that all people yearn to breathe free. I do not believe in a melting pot or any other progressive hokum about being a nation of immigrants. MLK never did anything worthy of admiration and the civil rights movement achieved what it achieved through violent means.

Three hundred and twenty six years of progress and one, if he is honest, knows in his soul that it has been primarily error. Progressives know it, conservatives know it yet only lonely voices dare say it aloud.

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