Tuesday, October 28, 2014

No enemies on the (New) Right

I propose a grand alliance against the knuckle dragging Morlocks of the anarcho-tyranny. Since I am a virtual non-entity on the web & in the real world I have decided to call a personal cease fire by not joining in the standard circular firing squad that causes constant splintering & back biting. I refuse to criticize anyone on the Right. No members of the Dark Enlightenment will be attacked even if I disagree with them. I will not make jabs at Ethno-nationalists or Race Realists. Paleo-conservatives and Neo-reactionaries man the same barricades against the Kulturkampf of the Waffen SJW’s. I also admire and respect the more rational and open minded libertarians and the best elements of the PUA and MRA cultures. I declare that I have no enemies on the Right and will henceforth allow the Jacobins the joys of their own auto-da-fe and purges and politely bow out of ours.

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